Kyoto Nihongo Center Study Abroad (2)

Testimonials from students participating in 1 year Kyoto Nihongo Center Study Abroad
Maisie Dwintari
It feels so different to directly experience studying in Japan. In Indonesia we can always use our mother tongue, so we cannot maximize the Japanese lesson we already got, but here we are forced to use what we know. We have to keep learning, even outside the formal study time.
Living in Japan is really out of my expectation. Everything imagined before arriving in Japan is totally different with what I feel after living here. Of course, there are good and exciting times, and it’s true that Japan is a beautiful country and far from boring. But some things are totally unexpected. Difference in language and difference in culture become the main problem in living here. Sometimes, what we have in mind can’t be expressed because we don’t know how to say it, having so little of Japanese glossary that we know. At school, we also meet many friends from different countries. Because of the different languages, the thing that unites us is Japanese language. In here we are expected to keep learning Japanese even when we are hanging out with friends. The point is, this program is truly dedicated to learn far more about Japan and its language, because if we don’t do that, we will be left behind and turn anti-social.