会話中に「相手を知っている」と言うことの会話分析的研究 ~付き合う男女のインターネットチャットを題材に~
Conversational Analysis on Saying I Know You.
–Why Dating Couples Say Such Things.–
Hiroaki Chijiiwa
Osaka University. Assosiate of Research Department Japanese and Japanese Culture Department for Master and Doctor Degree
In casual conversations, Japanese people do not refer to their intimacies saying “We are close this much.” It is difficult to create special scales for intimacies because the term of “Intimacy” is too abstract and vague. However, don’t Japanese people really scale their intimacies during their conversations?
In this study, the researcher aimed to describe strategies of intimacies in Japanese using method of Conversational Analysis onto dating couple’s casual internet chat data and analyzed “how people show their intimacies to opponent through the conversations.” For conclusion we can say; Japanese people tend to say “I know you” in indirect way to emphasize the opponent’s “the illusion of transparency”.
Keywords: Intimacies, Closeness, Conversational Analysis, Internet Chatting, Illusion of transparency