Application of Differentiated Instruction on Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Intermediate Level (Noryoku Shiken III) Course, to Build Student Awareness of Lifelong Learning

Dhaniar Asmarani

Bina Nusantara University



Along with the rapid development of technology and the occurrence of education 4.0, lifelong learning ability becomes an important element in 21st century learning. Lifelong learning ability consists of the ability to developing strategies and evaluating on own learning, to improve knowledge, skills, and competence, so that continuous and sustainability learning habit can be build. On the other hand, the differences in student’s ability may vary in one class. It needs to be facilitated by designing student personal learning (Differentiated Instruction / DI) to maximize student outcome. This paper discusses how DI strategies that implemented in Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Intermediate Level (Noryoku Shiken III) courses can build student awareness of lifelong learning. After applying DI, a good progress was seen in each student towards the achievement of JLPT N3 grades, and can create independent learning habits, so students can sustain this learning habits even after finishing this subject.


This Paperbeing presented in ICOBAR 2020